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仁爱版八年级上Unit1 Topic 2 Section B教案
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仁爱版八年级上Unit1 Topic 2 Section B教案
Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands
1. Learn some new words
fight, teamwork angry, nothing, finish, grandfather.
2.Learn some useful phrases:
shout at sb, do one’s best, be angry with sb, talk about sth, keep doing sth.
be sure to do
3.Learn some useful sentences
Don’t shout at me like that.
Please don’t fight.
You should learn teamwork.
What about saying sorry to Michael?
I am sorry for what I said.
It’s nothing.
4.Go on learning the sentences with direct and indirect objects
II.Teaching key points:
1.The expressions for making suggestions:
inperative sentences  Don’t shout at me like that
What about doing…
Sb. should do sth.
2.To understand and paraphrase the sentences with direct and indirect objects
III. Teaching difficult points:
1.Understand“what” in be sorry for what I said
2.Retell 1a in Section B
IV .Teaching aids
Tape recorder  multi-media
V. Teaching procedures
Step 1 Revision
1.Revise Would you mind doing…by praticing 2 in Section A .Get the students to look at       the picture in 2 ask and answer without looking at the book.
2.Get some students to something about in 1a in SectionA .
(1)Kangkang and his team are going to have a soccer game against Class Five on Saturday.
(2)But one of his teammate fell ill .So Kangkang asks Michael to join them.
(3)Michael is not good at playing soccer, so Michael and Kangkang are practicing it .
Step 2 Presentation
1.To learn the new words in 1a.
(1)T:Look at the boy .He is Li Lei .He is unhappy. Li Lei did his best to study hard, but he didn’t pass the exam. His father is angry with him.His mother is shouting at him.
(2)T:Now look at the picture in 1a .What are kangkang and Michael doing?
Ss:They are fighting .
T:Can you guess why they are fighting .
S1:I think they didn’t win the game.
T:ok,let’s listen to 1a and find the answer.
2.Listen to 1a and check the answer.
3.Get the students to read the statements in 1b and predict whether they are true and false.Then finish 1b.

资料名称: 仁爱版八年级上Unit1 Topic 2 Section B教案
文件大小: 55K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 仁爱版八年级上Unit1
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