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仁爱版八年级上《Unit1 Topic 1》随堂练含答案(4份)
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仁爱版八年级英语上册《Unit 1 Topic 1》随堂练 含答案(4份)
1. Guo Yue plays table tennis very well. She is my favorite __________(运动员).
2. No one knows what the world will be like in the__________ (将来).
3. Kitty likes dancing very much. To be a dancer is her ________ (梦想).
4. I’m going to be a ___________ (科学家)when I grow up.
5. Kangkang’s father is a famous _______(音乐家).
He can play the piano very well.
1. Lin Shuhao is playing______ the New York Knicks_______ the NBA.
A. in; in                               B. for; on
C. in; on                                     D. for; in
2. Liangliang is going to drive a bus when he __________.
A. is going to grow up            B. is growing up
C. grows up                              D. grow up
3. He _________ a policeman after leaving (离汗)school.
A. be going to be                         B. is going to be
C. is going to is                    D. is going to
4. Jimmy is going to work for the world____________.
A. at the future                     B. on the future
C. on future                       D. in the future
5. My sister wants to be a famous singer __________ Peng Li yuan.
A. likes                           B. like
C. is like                             D. liking

资料名称: 仁爱版八年级上《Unit1 Topic 1》随堂练含答案(4份)
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