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2016年秋冀教版九年级英语上Unit1 Stay Healthy单元练习含答案
41. He got up and answered the t                .
42. If you don't work hard, how can you pass your final e                ?
43. She cried in p                 when her tooth was pulled out.
44. P                 me, but what's your address?
45. If you support us, please c                 for our team.
46. You look                 (苍白). What's wrong with you?
47. The United Kingdom                 (包括) England, Northern Ireland and Wales.
48. There was a                 (风险) of getting robbed on this road, so she moved to Yangzhou for                 (安全).
49. The policeman is                 (控制) the traffic at the crossing.
50. Don't smoke in a                 (公共的) place.
51. 我的医生说我发烧了。(仅限3词)
My doctor said I                 .
52. 丹尼的父亲迅速穿好衣服。
Danny's father                                   quickly.
53. 为了保持健康,我们别无选择,只有健康饮食和加强锻炼。(词数不限)
To keep fit, we have no choice                  eat healthily and take exercise.
54. --- Would you mind                                                   ? (刷盘子)
--- OK. I'll do it                                  . (我马上就做)
55. 你认为富人是因为冒险才变富的吗?
Do you think the rich are rich because they                                  ?
56. 我养成了每天晚上听音乐的习惯。
I                                                                                      listening to music every night.
57. Our teachers often ask us to                                                    (与…保持距离) the cigarettes.
58. 也许你会为他们不能找到解决空气污染问题的方法而担心。
Maybe you fear that they won't                                                    find the solutions to the problem of air pollution.
59. 如果你只把注意力集中在你的问题上,你就会有一个充满问题的生活。
If you only                                   your problems, you'll                  a life full of them.
60. 既然你怕黑,就不要一个人晚上外出。
                                  you are afraid of dark, you'd better not go out alone at night.

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版本年级: 冀教版九年级Unit1
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