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2016年秋冀教版九年级英语上Unit1 Stay Healthy基础练习含答案
31. The old man looked a bit                 (苍白) than usual after the operation.
32. Your duties will                 (包括) keeping the house clean and cooking.
33. Smoking can increase the                 (风险) of developing heart disease.
34. I want to know how to                 (控制) the machine.
35. She doesn't want to speak in                 (公共场所). She is shy.
36. He turned deathly                 (苍白的) at the news.
37. A list of 100 good books for teenagers came out. Books on history and science are all                 (包括).
38. It will be a dangerous trip. Are you sure you want to take the                 (风险)?
39. This button can                 (控制) the pressure of steam in the engine.
40. It's not polite to spit everywhere in                 (公众的) places.
41. When the boy saw the accident happen, his face turned                 (苍白的).
42. Does the price                 (包括) breakfast only, or dinner as well?
43. My mother warns me not to                 (冒风险) climbing.
44. The traffic lights are                 (控制) by a central computer.
45. The palace is now open to the                 (公众).

资料名称: 2016年秋冀教版九年级英语上Unit1基础练习含答案
文件大小: 48K
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版本年级: 冀教版九年级Unit1
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