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仁爱版八年级上Unit1 Topic 1 Section B教案
上传者:   加入日期:16-09-11

仁爱版八年级上Unit1 Topic 1 Section B教案
Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands
1. Learn some new words and phrases:
Rocket,dream, grow, grow up, future, in the future, play for ,play against
2.Learn the new words about job :
player,scientist,musician,pilot ,policeman,policewoman,postman,fisherman
3.Express the sports and dreams with be going to+do
4.Talk about the favorite sports and players:
(1)—What’s your favorite sport, Maria?
  —Basketball, of course.
(2)—Who’s your favorite player?
  —Lebron James . / I like Yao Ming best.
II.Teaching key points:
1.The new words about jobs
2.The future tense with be going to+do
III. Teaching difficult points:
1.the future tense with be going to+do
2.To learn how to talk about the students’ favorite sport and players.
IV .Teaching aids
Tape recorder  multi-media
V. Teaching procedures
Step 1   Revision
1.To revise the sports names
(1) ball games
(2) –ing sports
2.Revise prefer  be going to+do  by pratice 2 in Section A
Step 2 Presentation
1.Present 1a
T: We just talked  about so many sports .Which sport do you like best, I means What’s  your favorite sport ,S1 ?
S1: My favorite sport is …
T: ?
S1:My favorite player is …
T:Are you going to be a player like him /her ?
S1 :Yes.
T:So be a …is your dream when you grow up ?
S1 :Yes.
Then pratice : What’s  your favorite sport ? Who is your favorite player?(show some pictures to help students.)
2.Learn the new words about jobs
(1)review the word about jobs have learned in Grade Seven : teacher ,worker ,driver,student,doctor,nurse,cook ,office worker etc.
(2)Get the students try to read the new words about jobs in 2 ,then help them to remember the new words
3.Get the students to ask and answer : What are you going to be when you grow up ?
4.Present something about Yaoming and Lebron James and discuss them

资料名称: 仁爱版八年级上Unit1 Topic 1 Section B教案
文件大小: 58K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 仁爱版八年级上Unit1
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