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38. So many sports        (英雄)are going to take part in the 31st Olympic Games in Rio this summer.
39. His cousin is so        (幽默)that he always tells us some funny jokes.
40. In our school, each student        (种植)a tree every Tree-planting Day.
41. Chinese kung fu is a kind of        (传统的)Chinese art.
42. The young man is trying to be a        (先锋)in the field of high technolo gy.
43. The cinema is        (在…对面)the supermarket, on the other side of the street.
44. It's a custom for a Chinese family to buy a new    (挂历)when the new year is drawing near.
45. 一Which of the following isn't a     disaster, a flood, a snowstorm or losing the football final?
    一Losing the football final.
46. If you really want to        your dream, you must work harder.
47. What other people say is not important. What really        is how you see yourself.

资料名称: 江苏省苏州市区2016届中考英语一模试题含答案
文件大小: 274K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 苏州市中考专栏
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