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上传者:   加入日期:16-06-05

    Do you know what“pay it forward”means? It's not paying for something  1  you buy it.“Paying it forward”is to do something  2  for another person for no reason.Then that person can do  3  nice for someone else,too.
    You may think it doesn't seem like much. 4   this kind act can spread really fast.
    Early this December,a woman was  5  McDonald's in Florida.US.She also bought the next person's meal.Well,that person did the  6  thing,and the next person did too.Soon,250 people bought meals for  7  person!
    You can“pay it forward”by doing something extra nice for anyone around you.Just  8  little things,like helping your mom clean the  9  without her asking.It can make a person's day.Then,ask them to do three kind things  10  someone else。In this way,anyone can make the world a better place.

资料名称: 2016年苏州市中考英语复习专题练习含答案《完形填空5》
文件大小: 336K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 苏州市中考专栏
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