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牛津8A Unit8 Natural disasters Study Skills课件+导学案
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2015年牛津8A Unit8 Natural disasters Study Skills课件+导学案
It’s important to know how to stay from danger,but sometimes people do get hurt in natural disasters.Shall we just wait for help and do nothing.
【板书课题】  8A unit8 speak up and study skills
1.  To read and make new dialogues.
2.  To know what we should do first to deal with some accidents.
Task 1    Listen and answer
When you get hurt, what should you do first? Millie and Daniel are talking about first aid. Listen to their conversation and answer the following questions.
1.What to do first when people burn their hands?
2. What should they do after that?
3. Should they put any cream on it?
Task 2  Practice in pairs
Work in pairs. Tell your partner about first aid. Use Millie and Daniel’s conversation as a model.
: We may burn our hands when we cook at home. Do you know what to do first ?
D: Sure. First, you should keep your hand in cold water for about ten minutes.
M: I see. What should I do after that?
D: Cover the burn with a clean towel.
M: Should I put any cream on it?
D: No, you shouldn’t. You should go and see the doctor.
M: All right. Thanks.
1.cut our fingers
2.stop your finger from bleeding (止血)with a         clean towel
3.cover the wound(伤口) with bandages (绷带)
4.wash the finger
Task5   Creating new words
rail + way = railway
earth + quake = earthquake
pan + cake = pancake
snow + ball = snowball
Do you know what you should do first if you get burnt?
1.You should keep your hand in cold water for about ten minutes.
2.Cover the burn with a clean towel.
3.Go and see the doctor.
We should follow traffic _____ (规则).
2. There is a _______ (铁路) station in Yancheng.
He is making p_______ at home.
4. What should we do when we b___ ourselves.
5. Does he usually do h________ at home?

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版本年级: 牛津8AUnit8
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