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四. 填空 (每小题1分,共15分)
A. 根据所给汉语意思或者首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。
36. Travelling by ____________ (长途客车) is not as safe as travelling by train.
37. I caught a ___________ (轻微) cold yesterday so I didn’t go to the party.
38. Hong Kong was a quiet fishing v_____________ several hundred years ago.
39. The children went out, and the room was s_____________.
40. My mother has to be busy with h_____________ like cooking and cleaning at weekends.
B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
41. I was too tired. I would fall ______________ (sleep) in one minute if there was a bed.
42. I stepped onto a banana skin (皮) and ______________ (near) had a fall.
43. Please get yourself ready as _________ (quick) as possible. The bus is coming now.
44. I didn’t feel the ___________ (shake) of my bed when the earthquake happened.
45. I heard _____________ (excite) shouts from the football fields.

资料名称: 扬州市江都区2016-2017年度八年级上Unit8测试卷有答案
文件大小: 112K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津8AUnit8
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