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   Mr. Perkin stood at the bus stop and watched the cars go by. Many of the cars were new Beta 400s, and most of them were yellow. Mr. Perkin always wore the same clothes as other men, ate the same food as other people, and did the same thing after work, and at the end of the week, Mr. Perkin did not like to be different.
The following week, Mr. Perkin bought a new, bright yellow Beta 400s. He was satisfied with (对……感到满意) it, and drove it to work the next day. He was even more satisfied with his new car, when he saw all the other Beta 400s, in front, behind, and on both sides of his.
   Mr. Perkin parked his car in a big parking lot near his office. But when he came back at five o’clock, there were so many bright yellow Beta 400s in the parking lot that he did not know which car was his. He tried his key in some of the cars, but people passing by gave him a look he didn’t like. So he stopped.
The poor Mr. Perkin had to wait nearly two hours until there was only one yellow Beta 400s in the parking lot.
1. Mr. Perkin wanted a new yellow Beta 400s because ______.
A. the bus did not come
B. he liked new clothes, food and cars
C. he liked to do the same thing as other people      
D. he liked to be different from others
2. He drove to work in his new car ______.
A. the next day
B. the day he bought it
C. the next week he bought it
D. on the day he first watched the cars passing
3. He was satisfied with his new car because ______.
A. no one else had a yellow one     
B. it was the same as other cars all around him
C. he was in front of all the other cars
D. other cars were not as bright as his
4. People gave him a look because ______.
A. he had a nice new car
B. he could not open the door of his car
C. he was in the wrong parking lot
D. he was thought a thief
5. Mr. Perkin had to wait until ______.
A. there was only one yellow Beta 400s in the parking lot
B. there was only one red car in the parking lot
C. there were two green yellow cars in the parking lot
D. there was no one looking at him

资料名称: 冀教版八年级上英语Unit6能力训练含答案(2份)
文件大小: 12K
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版本年级: 冀教版八年级上Unit6
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