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上传者:   加入日期:15-11-26

1. 教学目标
l  语言知识
掌握词汇:invention, probably, oil, presentation, cardboard, backpack, fuel, imagination, stay up late, turn on
l  语言技能
l  情感态度
l  教学策略
2. 教学重点
3. 教学难点
Step 1 Class opening(3 minutes)
1. Greetings.
2. THINK ABOUT IT!  What kinds of transportation can you name?
Step2 New Concepts
1. Leading in(1 minute)
T: Look! This is Danny’s new invention. He stayed up late to make his invention last night. He calls it “Flying Donuts”. Today we’re going to know it well. 板书本课课题Lesson 34 Flying Donuts.
Language points:
1. stay up late 熬夜,并造句Don’t ___________________. It’s not good for your health.
2. The two rockets are made of cardboard(n.硬纸板)
3. Planes, trains and cars are very important inventions. We can travel faster and farther with them.
invent    v. 发明;创
inventor  n. 发明家
invention  n. 发明;创造
2. Presentation(2 minutes)
出示图片,引导学生学习。Danny has thought of a new kind of transportation. He wants to give a presentation on it to the class.
Language points:
1.think of 表示“认为;考虑;想起;想出(主意)…”
For example: What do you think of Transformers IV?
I can’t think of his name at the moment. 我一时想不起来他的名字了。
2. present  v.  presentation  n. 介绍; 陈述   give a presentation做介绍
3. Read the text carefully and answer the questions. (4 minutes)
T: Please read Danny’s presentation, do Let’s Do It! No. 1.
1.What does Danny call his invention?
2.How does Danny’s invention work?
3.Why are donuts the best food to make the rockets go?
4.How far will you go if you have five donuts?
Ask the students to write down the answers. Then check the answers together.
例如:First, you put the Flying Donuts bag on your back. Then you turn it on and jump into the air.
turn on 打开(电脑、收音机、电视等)反义词为turn off 关闭
put on 穿上 反义词为take off 脱掉
  1. Please ____________ the TV. I want to watch the football match.
  2. It’s raining outside. You’d better ____________ your raincoat.
再如:Will Danny’s invention really work?  Probably not.
probably adv. 大概; 很可能; 也许 __________ they will go there by air.
4. Read aloud in roles (5 minutes)
T: Now let’s read Danny’s presentation again and we will know more about it. Please try to read aloud.

资料名称: 冀教版八年级英语上册第六单元Lesson34课件+教案
文件大小: 5548K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 冀教版八年级上Unit6
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