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Lesson 25 主要是让学生简单谈论一下自己未来的职业,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生用英语来表述自己梦想的意识。
 掌握词汇:  might  scientist  grow  engineer
短语 :grow up    be nice to …
3. 情感态度:让学生通过本课的学习,了解一些职业,拓展知识面,并培养学生努力拼搏、积极进取、为实现梦想而努力奋斗的意识。
4 .学习策略:通过听力练习、小组活动来完成听、说及阅读的训练。
多媒体课件、录音机 、磁带
Step 1 Talking : (about 5 min)
Get the Ss to think about the questions and talk in class:
What are you interested in?   What are you good at?
What would you like to be in the future?
【设计思路】:让学生谈论熟悉的话题,复习使用 be interested in doing …  be good at doing …  hope to be … ,为进一步的学习和谈论做好铺垫。
Step 2 Presentation: ( about 4 min )
Show some pictures and teach the new words, help the students to answer the questions and understand the meanings.
Step 3 Listening(about 4 min)
Play the tape, get the students to listen and write true or false.
After listening, check the answers . Make sure that the students can understand.
Step 4 Reading(about 10 min)
Get the students to read the text and write down the answers to the questions.
After reading, check the answers. Make sure that the students can understand.
Then explain the new words and useful expressions in class.
Step 5 Talking ( about 10 min )
Get the Ss to complete the dialogue first and check the answers.
Then get some pairs to practice.
Ask the students to work in groups and talk about their future job.
At last, get some groups to present in class。
Step 6 Reading and writing ( about 8 min )
Get the students to read a short passage about one’s future and answer the questions. Make sure that the Ss can understand the passage.
Then get the Ss to try to write down a short passage about their own future in class, ask several of them to read in class.
【设计思路】:让学生将本课所学内容由口头表达转化为笔头练习, 形成知识的输出,提高写作能力。
Step 7 Summary and Homework(about 2 min)
Sum up what we have learned in this lesson.
Get the students to finish the short passage after class.

资料名称: 冀教版八年级英语上册第五单元Lesson25课件+教案
文件大小: 61K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 冀教版八年级上Unit5
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