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l  语言知识:
掌握词汇:advice, diamond,number, seventeen, eighteen,opposite
短语及句型:Fast is the opposite of slow. /Choose a colour.
l  语言技能:通过本课学习,能够用英语表达命令与要求。
l  情感态度:
l  学习策略:贯穿课堂教学始终的自我评价和小组评价,有利于培养学生的调控策略,形成自主学习能力。
Step 1 Discussion:       
Get the students to talk in class.
T: Tom likes to play games with his friends after school. He often plays the game “climbing the tree”. He climbs the tree very fast and high.
If you are his friend, what advice will you give him?
Step 2 Reading
1. What colour are Danny’s diamonds?
2. What number does Jenny choose?
3. What advice does Jenny get at last?
Step 3. Fast reading
Read the dialogue again and know how they play with the advice diamond.
1. Choose a ________.
2. ________the colour as they _____and_____the diamond.
3. Choose a ______.
4. Open and close the diamond as they _____the number.
5. Read the ______on it.         
Step 4 .Work in groups
1. Take out a piece of paper and fold it into an advice diamond.
2. Colour your advice diamond, then write some advice on it.
(设计思路:动口,动手,小组合作一起完成advice diamond的制作。)
Step 5. Play Games
Let’s have fun playing games. Ask them to write as much advice as they can.
Step 6 Do some exercises about this lesson.
Step 7 Summary and Homework.
Sum up what we have learned in this lesson.
Make an advice diamond and play with it with your family.

资料名称: 冀教版八年级英语上册第五单元Lesson27课件+教案
文件大小: 1672K
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版本年级: 冀教版八年级上Unit5
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