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冀教版九年级英语上册第一单元Unit Review教案+课件
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冀教版九年级英语上册第一单元Unit Review教案+课件
Step2: Review
1. Ask students to review the four food groups they have learned in Lesson 3.
  What are the four food groups in a balanced diet?
  How does the good food make our body healthy?
  Choose from the different food groups and make a menu for yourself.
2.     Look at a picture about good habits. Elicit Ss to talk about the healthy habits they have.
   What healthy habits do you have?
3. Ask Ss to talk about the unhealthy habits they know about and the bad influence. Focus on three bad habits: smoking, drinking too much, eating unhealthy foods.
① Why is smoking harmful?(Lesson 4)
② What trouble does drinking too much bring to people?      Ask Ss to fill in the blanks in exercise II on P14.
   And make a conclusion about the bad influence of drinking. 
③ Help Ss have a right attitude towards bad habits.
   If you are asked to smoke/drink, what will you do?
   If someone is smoking/drinking, how can you help him?
④ Give advice about not being overweight.
   Complete the passage in exercise II on P15.
   What other things should the overweight people do?
4. Bad habits lead to illness and disease. After falling ill,
  we have to see a doctor.
①Listen to a dialogue. And answer the questions in exercise I (listening part on P15). Ss listen to the dialogue twice in order to get specific information.
The boy ______is talking with _______. They are _______.
The boy has ________________________________. ____________will come.
②Bob is seeing a doctor. Fill in the blanks in exercise II on P15, and find out the Bob’s trouble.
Read the dialogue in exercise II again, underline the useful expressions.
③Match the sentences.
④Make up a dialogue about seeing a doctor and act it out.
 Did you ever fall ill?
  (a headache, a toothache, a cold, a cough…)
  How did you see a doctor?

资料名称: 冀教版九年级英语上册第一单元Unit Review教案+课件
文件大小: 4545K
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版本年级: 冀教版九年级Unit1
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