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Step 1.Greetings.
Step 2. Think about it.
1. Would you like to be a biologist when you grow up? Why or why not?
2. What mysteries of nature do you know about?
Step 3. Show students the new words in this lesson.
Step 4. Read the lesson and find out the phrases.
1.引起某人的注意 draw one’s attention                     
2.回到、返回     return to…
3.多达           as many as
4.下蛋           lay eggs
5.在大学里       at a university
6.小片的森林     small piece of forest
7.动身去某地     leave for sp.
Step 5. Read the lesson again and finish the following questions.
1. In the United States and Mexico, farmers use chemicals that kill milkweed. (    )
2. Do the females lay eggs on only one plant?
3. What does Dr. Chip Taylor study? 
4. Here, as many as ___________ butterflies spend the winter.
5. In Mexico, the butterflies always return to the same small piece of forest, which is only 20 kilometers wide.
Step 6. Language Points
1. attention
1)draw one’s attention to sth. (使某人注意某事).
2) catch one’s attention  (引起某人注意)
3) pay attention to sth.  (注意、留心)
4) give one’s attention to sth.  (关心)
2. as…as…
1) He is ___________ his father.(像…一样高)
2) I do my homework ___________ my sister does.(像…一样认真)
3) They see ___________ one hundred students in front of the library. (像…一样多)
3. lie 与 lay
1) lay (下蛋) --- laid --- laid --- laying
2) lie (说谎) --- lied --- lied --- lying

资料名称: 冀教版九年级英语上册第五单元Lesson28课件+教学设计
文件大小: 860K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 冀教版九年级Unit5
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