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2016-2017学年冀教版英语九年级上Unit5 Look into Science单元练习含答案
56. That's c                (正确的).
57. My English teacher told us many good m                 to study.
58. Mrs. Smith went to travel with her daughter, so she reserved a d                 room in the hotel.
59. The firemen are so brave and I think they are f                .
60. Her d                 about the wild animals will change people's traditional idea about their behaviors.
61. Trees can weaken                 (力量) of the wind.
62. I bought some candles and m                (火柴) on the way home.
63. --- Can I use your computer for a while?
---                 (当然) you can.
64. Mr. Wang has a lovely                 (孙子).
65. With the                 (发展) of science, our country is becoming stronger and stronger.
66. 总的来说,我同意你所说的。(仅限2词)
                , I agree with what you said.
67. 开往北京的CA4106航班已于昨晚21:30起飞。
Flight CA4106 to Beijing                                   at 21:30 last night.
68. 我们必须买肥皂,我们已经用完了。
We must buy soap. We have                                                   .
69. 我有时白天工作, 有时晚上工作。
Sometimes I work in the                  and sometimes at                 .
70. 除了颜色,这件衬衫挺不错的。(仅限2词)
The shirt is nice                  the colour.
71. 教育与收入有关。(仅限3词)
The education                  the income.
72. 一份联合国的报告表明,到二十世纪末,全球人口将超过六十亿。
A UN report says the world                  will                  six                  by the end of the                  century.
73. 他有几个习惯,对他来说不是那么好。
He has a few                                   are not so good for him.
74. 在绿色学校,每个班收集可回收利用的废物。
At a green school, every class collects waste                  can be recycled or used again.
75. I like a singer                 (自己做曲的). (who)
76. The compass helped people make many                 (discover) in the past.
77. Railways are important to the economic                 (develop) of a country.
78. I'm thankful to the teacher for her                 (suggest) on my interview.
79. We should have a                 (science) diet(饮食) to keep healthy.
80. My parents give me a lot of                 (press).

资料名称: 2016-2017学年冀教版英语九年级上Unit5单元练习含答案
文件大小: 46K
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版本年级: 冀教版九年级Unit5
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