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牛津9A Unit2 reading1同步练习含答案
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牛津9A Unit2 reading1同步练习含答案
1.___________you ever ___________(walk) into a room with the walls painted blue ?
2.We should do what we can _________________(create) our new happy lives.
3.We all hope to live in a_______________________(peace) world.
4.A true friend can help you get out of_________________(sad) when you’re unhappy.
5.I saw her grandfather______________(jog) in the playground when I passed by just now.
6.You can describe the moods of people by________(look) at the colours they choose to wear.
7.We could see the____________________(happy) on his face after he heard the bad news.
8.If you don’t have enough________________(sleep), you will feel_____________(sleep).
9.The colour blue can make us feel _________________ (relax).
10.She cried ___________again , and her __________ made me feel even___________(sad).
11 . He was too ___________ to keep his eyes open. And he soon fell _____________(sleep).

资料名称: 牛津9A Unit2 reading1同步练习含答案
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版本年级: 牛津9AUnit2
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