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Step3 While-reading
A.Read the whole passage quickly and silently, then answer the questions
(1) Do different colours represent different moods? ______________
(2) How many kinds of colours are mentioned in the article? _______
B. Listen to the tape of Part 2, do T/F questions
(1) Blue is a calm colour. It creates the feeling of harmony.  (  )
(2)White will make you feel calm and peaceful.           (  )
(3) Blue can represent sadness.                        (  )
(4) Many women like to be in white on their wedding day .  (  )
C. Read Part 3 loudly, answer the following questions
(1) How will you feel when you see warm colours?
(2) What does orange represent? 
(3) What can yellow remind you of ? 
(4) Why do some of you prefer yellow stationery ?
D.  Read Part 4 clearly, try to find some key words
E. Further-reading
Read the passage again and fill in the form
Finish the exercises of Part B4 on P25.
Step 4 We’ve known a lot about colours, but Millie doesn’t. Let’s help her to choose the best colour for her friends. Finish Part C1 on P 29 .
Step 5 Talk about the following questions
What’s your favourite colour ?
What does it represent ?
Why do you like it best ?
How does this colour make you feel ?
What are your characteristics ?
Do your favourite colour match your characteristics ?

资料名称: 2017年秋牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit2全单元导学案
文件大小: 133K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9AUnit2
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 牛津译林版九年级英语上Unit2 Welcome to the unit课件 18-08-11

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 牛津译林版九年级上Unit2 Reading II课件(共55张PPT) 18-08-09

 牛津译林版九年级上Unit 2 Study skills课件(共27张PPT) 18-08-09

 牛津译林版九年级英语上Unit2 Task课件(共37张PPT) 18-08-09

 牛津译林版九年级上Unit2 Colours同步阅读(含答案) 17-10-14

 牛津版九年级上Unit2 Period 2 Reading1同步练习含答案 17-10-14

 牛津译林版九年级上Unit2 Colours基础知识测试题(含答案) 17-09-24


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