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新仁爱版八年级英语下Unit8 topic 2 section C导学案
上传者:   加入日期:15-04-18

课题:  Unit8 Topic2 section C    (第三课时)
备课人:张永志    审核人:        班级:           学生:   
1. Learn some new words:
  ceiling, soldier, hide, pilot, airport, police, officer
2. Learn different jobs, different uniforms.
3. Learn the purposes of different uniforms.
1.   让学生回忆以前学过的关于服装的单词。
2.  讨论“What do you know about uniforms ?”
消防人员     士兵      飞行员     警察    
●  自学指导
●  合作探究
 (让学生读1a , 判断下列句子正误。)
  T: Now please read 1a, then mark the following sentences True (T)or False(F).
(1) Firefighters wear special coats and helmets to protect them.
(2) Soldiers wear green clothes to protect them from heat.
(3) If we have a car accident on the street, we can get help from pilots.
(4) Different jobs, different uniforms, uniforms have many uses.
1.   再次归纳服装有关的单词。
2.   根据课文内容复述制服的作用。
1、Soldiers wear green clothes____ help them  to hide in the forest.
A .to    B.at          C. in
2、I see a boy ____ (cry).
3、Others help us____(find)the special people who wear them .


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 仁爱版八年级下Unit8 Topic2 Section C学案 16-04-03

 仁爱版八年级下Unit8 Topic2 Section B学案 16-04-03

 仁爱版八年级下Unit8 Topic2 Section A学案 16-04-03

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