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Bill Clinton was born on Aug.19,1946.Three months before his birth, his father had died when driving home to his pregnant wife, Virginia, he went off a high way, was thrown from the car and drowned in a river.
When Bill was 4,his mother remarried Roger Clinton. And there were always troubles: a sometimes violent ,  alcoholic stepfather and a half-brother. Only one year after the marriage, the drunken stepfather fired a shotgun at the ceiling to keep his bride and stepson from leaving the house. Virginia was very much frightened. So Roger Clinton beat Virginia from time to time. But teenager Clinton played a role of protector of his mother bravely. The stepfather never laid another band on Virginia.
In high school, he was very good at Latin and maths. He also played saxophone in the hand. At age 16,as a member of a youth group, Clinton met President John  F.Kennedy  at the White House, it led him to the life of public service. Once he set his mind to do something, he did not give up. He was elected governor of Arkansas at the age of 32.
Clinton has said he ran for president to make the country a better place for people like Chelsea, his daughter. He did win. At the age of 46,he became the third youngest president in the nation's history.
60.When this passage was published, Clinton was_________.
A. governor of Arkansas                                         B. a famous professor
C. President of U.S.A.                                     D. President of a university
61.Clinton's own father died_________.
A. before Clinton was born
B. after Clinton was born
C. from drinking too much brandy
D. when Clinton's mother was giving birth
62.Clinton protected his mother by_________.
A. fighting against his stepfather
B. beating his stepfather
C. having long talks with his stepfather
D. the means we don't know
63.The word “it” in “It led him to the life of public service” refers to_________.
A. Clinton's high school education
B. becoming a member of a youth group
C. Clinton's visiting President Kennedy
D. doing public service

资料名称: 无锡常州四区(市)九校2007年高考4月交流测试卷(答案)
文件大小: 27K
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版本年级: 2007年高考模拟
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