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     A student went to college to go on with his studies. There he put his name down for a course in  36  , but after the first lecture he didn't go to it   37  . The geography teacher noticed that this student was always   38   and thought that he had changed to   39   course, so he was very surprised when he saw the boy's name on the list of the students who wanted to take the geography   40   at the end of the year.
     The lecturer had prepared a difficult examination   41   followed his lectures very closely, and he was   42   to see how this student answered the questions. He thought that the answers would be 43  . But when he received them soon after the exam and examined them   44  , he was able to find only one small   45   in them. As this   46   him very much, he went   47   the paper again, but was   48   not able to find more than one small mistake, so he   49   the student to question him about that.
     When the student came into the room and sat down, the lecturer said to him, '1   50   you came only to my first lecture and that you have been absent from all of the other. But now I have   51  your answer paper very carefully and I   52    to find only one mistake in it. I am   53    to know your explanation for that.'
     ' Oh, I am very   54    about this mistake, sir,' answered the student. 'After the exam, I realized   55   I should have written. I would not have made that mistake ifI had not been confused by your first lecture.'
36. A. physics        B. geography         C. chemistry         D. history
37. A. in fact         B. for ever           C. any more          D. more
38. A. late           B. absent            C. silent             D. lonely
39. A. the other       B. the others         C. other              D. another
40. A. explanation     B. recitation         C. dictation           D. examination
41. A. which         B. who              C. whose            D. what
42. A. sad           B. afraid             C. eager             D. happy
43. A. right          B. wrong            C. good              D. bad
44. A. surely         B. certainly          C. carefully           D. correctly
45. A. word          B. letter             C. mistake           D. name
46. A. worried        B. surprised         C. terrified            D. encouraged
47. A. through        B. down            C. on                D. with
48. A. really          B. still             C. even              D. yet
49. A. sent           B. sent up           C. sent for            D. sent out
50. A. hear           B. realized          C. wonder            D. know
51. A. seen           B. found           C. examined           D. watched
52. A. have           B. have been able    C. am sorry           D. have got
53. A. astonished      B. curious          C. obvious            D. disappointed
54. A. glad           B. satisfied         C. pleased             D. sorry
55. A. what          B. how              C. why              D. that

资料名称: 2007届南通四县市高三英语联合考试
文件大小: 23K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 2007年高考模拟
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