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上传者:okboy2005lk   加入日期:07-05-19

Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. If you go to a __16__ shop, no assistant will come near to you and say, “Can I help you?” You __17__ buy anything you don’t want. You may try to find out __18__ the book you want is. But if you fail, the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away. It seems that he is not __19__ selling any books at all.
There is another story that tells us about a good shop. A __20__ found a very useful book in the shop, though it was too expensive for him to buy. He couldn’t get it from the library, either. So every afternoon, he went there to read __21__ at a time. One day, however, he couldn’t find the book ___22__ it was and was leaving __23__ he saw a woman assistant signing(示意) to him. To his surprise, the assistant pointed to the book __24__, “I put it there so as not to be sold out,” said the assistant. Then she __25__ the student to go on with his reading.
16. A. good              B. bad              C. special             D. usual
17. A. shouldn’t           B. needn’t           C. mustn’t            D. can’t
18. A. what               B. which            C. where             D. how
19. A. surprised at         B. proud of          C. interested in         D. fed up with
20. A. librarian            B. teacher           C. student            D. writer
21. A. little               B. a little            C. few               D. a few
22. A. where              B. what             C. that               D. which
23. A. while              B. when             C. as                D. until
24. A. in his hand          B. in her hand        C. in her pocket       D. in a corner
25. A. left                B. made               C. had             D. kept

资料名称: 牛津9A第二单元周练
文件大小: 17K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津9AUnit2
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