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上传者:   加入日期:17-11-26

Step 4 Exercises
1. The talk on films has been ________(取消) this Saturday.
2. The girl is  ______ (愚蠢的) .
3. The accident is _________(可怕的)because five people lost their lives.
4. The young man f_____ in love with the kind girl at the first sight.
5. Although the car hit the dog, people found it was still a______.
1. I don’t think this jacket is  _________(suit) for me. It’s too short.
2. The baby dinosaur ___________(choose) to the future king of the family.
3. There have been great  ________(change) in the play.
4. He lost his wallet yesterday. ________(luck), there wasn’t  too much money in it.
5. You’d better _________(not hurry). There is still enough time to go.
Step 5 Homework
Recite the play you like, then act it out with your partner.

资料名称: 2017年秋牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit7全单元导学案
文件大小: 154K
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版本年级: 牛津9AUnit7
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 2017年秋泽林牛津版九年级上Unit7单元测试卷含答案 18-04-19

 牛津译林版九年级上Unit7 Films英语导学案 17-12-28

 2017年秋泽林牛津版九年级上Unit7单元测试 17-12-15

 2017年秋牛津译林版九年级上Unit7 Task课件 17-12-12

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 2017年秋牛津译林版九年级上Unit7 Intergrated skills课件 17-11-30

 2017年秋牛津译林版九年级上Unit7 Films课件(共51张PPT) 17-05-16

 牛津上海版九年级上Unit7 reading课件(共23张PPT) 17-02-05

 2016-2017镇江市润州区牛津译林9A Unit7试题含答案 16-12-26


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