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No. 1. W: What bad weather!
M: Don’t worry. The rain won’t last long. The radio says it’ll be fine this afternoon.
No. 2. M: Do you like P.E., Mary? 
W: Yes. But... I prefer music. I think it’s more relaxing.
No. 3. W: Hey, Peter, you don’t look well. What’s the matter?
M: Oh, I’ve had a cold and a cough all day.
W: Sorry to hear that.
No. 4. W: What are you doing this weekend, John? 
M: I'm going skateboarding with my friend.
W: That sounds like fun.
No. 5. M: I haven’t seen Bob for a long time. Where is he?
W: He’s been studying in England for half a year.
W: Hi, Jimmy. Some Russian teachers are coming to our school tomorrow. Can you tell me what I am supposed to do?
M: Well, do you mean when you meet them for the first time?
W: Yeah.
M: You know, in Russia, when people meet for the first time, they usually kiss each other three times, left, right, left.
W: Really? We Chinese usually shake hands and smile at each other.
M: Yeah. But people do different things in different countries. In America, however, some people shake hands, and some kiss each other.
W: That’s interesting. Thank you, Jimmy.
M: You’re welcome.

资料名称: 2017年浙江省台州市教研区英语中考模拟试卷含答案
文件大小: 595K
文件格式: zip
版本年级: 台州市中考
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