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五、单词拼写  (本大题共10分,每小题1分)
1.Many people like reading books in their _______________ (书房).
2.We can see             (百万) of stars in the sky on a fine summer night.
3. Tomorrow is my grandpa’s             (90) birthday. I ‘d like to buy him a present.
4.She has to look after her            (生病的) mother at home today.
5.Eric is          (幸运) enough to attend the school music festival.
6. Every year many            (visit) come to Sanya for a holiday.
7. Why don’t you use two__________ (knife) to cut the pumpkin, Nick and Frank?
8. The policeman in the picture is my__________ (old) brother.
9. The washing machine is _______(break).I’ll ask someone to check it for me .
10. The film is exciting. I __________ (real) like it.

资料名称: 华士实验中学2016-2017年七年级下月考英语试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 7460K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津7B月考试卷
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