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牛津译林版7B Unit5 Reading(课文阅读)课时练习含答案
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牛津译林版英语7B Unit5 Reading (课文阅读)课时练习含答案
1. Andy showed the twins the cat.
  Andy _________________________ the twins.
2. He looked for his money in the bag.
  He __________________________ his money.
3. We can look after these animals well.
  We can ______________________________.
4. They were not afraid any more.
  They were ____________________________.
5. The children had a great time in the park.
  The children __________________ in the park.
1. Andy ______________(自言自语),“Here it is.”
2. The two girls _________________(迅速逃走)when they heard the strange noise.
3. ______________________ Millie and Amy (发生什么事)?
4.When the cat miaowed, it ___________(听起来像)a whisper.
5. ______________________(像以往一样)they took a bus to school.

资料名称: 牛津译林版7B Unit5 Reading(课文阅读)课时练习含答案
文件大小: 46K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7BUnit5
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