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新目标九年级Unit14 Section B(2a-2e)同步练习含答案
上传者:   加入日期:17-04-02

新目标九年级Unit14 Section B(2a-2e)同步练习含答案
1.Our first _____(任务) is to collect some information.
2.As we know,a bird flies by its _____(翅膀).
3.We __________(祝贺) her on getting the first prize in the competition.
4.They're very happy to have ________(单独的) rooms now.
5.You just go ______(向前面) and I will catch up later.
6.Ladies and ___________(gentleman),welcome to our party!
7.I'm so _______ (thank) to you for what you have done for me.
8.The young man is _______(thirst) for success,so he works hard day and night.
9.What are you going to say at the __________(graduate) ceremony tomorrow?
10._____ (last),we're going to visit Athens,and fly home from there.

资料名称: 新目标九年级Unit14 Section B(2a-2e)同步练习含答案
文件大小: 31K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标九年级下Unit14
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