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新目标八年级下Unit2 Section B 2a-2e练习含答案
上传者:   加入日期:17-03-22

新目标八年级下Unit2 I'll help clean up the city parks  Section B 2a-2e练习含答案
1.The blind man wants to get a _______ (受过训练的) dog.
2. I’ve never seen her. I can’t i_____ what she looks like.
3.Could you turn down the radio? I'm not ______(聋的).
4.We should help _________(有残疾的)people when we are free. 
5. Something is wrong with her eyes. The poor b____ woman can see nothing.
6. Where there is _______ (困难), there is a way out.
7.How ________ (聪明的) you are! You work it out! 
8.Do you ________ (理解) what your English teacher say?
9.— Can I help you, ________ (夫人)? — Yes, I’m looking for a red hat.
10.We felt ________ (激动的) about the good news.

资料名称: 新目标八年级下Unit2 Section B 2a-2e练习含答案
文件大小: 33K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级下Unit2
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