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新目标八年级下Unit3 self check同步练习含答案
上传者:   加入日期:17-03-19

新目标八年级下Unit3 self check同步练习含答案
1.I can take the pet dog out for a walk.(改为有礼貌的请求)          You       take the pet dog out for a walk?
2.Could I buy a new bike.Morn?(作否定回答)          ,you       .
3. They don't agree with us about the travel plan. (改为同义句) They                  us about the travel plan.
4. We provide free food and drink for the kids here. (改为同义句) We           the kids here            free food and drink.
5. Could you please tell me how I can do the dishes? (改为同义句)Could you please tell me                             the dishes?

资料名称: 新目标八年级下Unit3 self check同步练习含答案
文件大小: 43K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级下Unit3
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