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66. How is the w__________ in Toronto?
67. The President wants to v_________ China next month.
68. There is no wind here, so it is a little h__________.
69. My father tells me to take a walk with h_________ after dinner.
70. Lisa likes R____________ bread very much and she has it every week.
71. Some animals need to live in ________ (干燥的) places.
72. Don’t drink ____________ (冷的) water in winter.
73. This math _________ (问题) is so difficult and I need some help.
74. My parents usually take me to the _______ (公园) on weekends.
75. Alice must come ____________ (回来) before 9:00 p.m.

资料名称: 广西平南县2016-2017学年七年级下英语Unit7测试题含答案
文件大小: 67K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标七年级下Unit7
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 人教版七年级下Unit7 Section B 2a—2c课件(共20张PPT) 17-05-12


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