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上传者:   加入日期:17-03-10

1.I don’t like to call him up.
2.Let’s go to play football. 
3.He shouldn’t play the music so loud.
4.David argued with his brother yesterday.
5.You could get a part-time job as a waiter.
6.M: Hi, Mary! What’s wrong with Ann?
W: Hi, Peter. She didn’t pass the exam.
7.M:I argued with my best friend. He doesn’t talk to me now.
W:I think you could write to him.
8.M:I like meat a lot. I have it every meal.
W: You should eat less meat and more vegetables.
9.M: You look upset. What’s wrong?
W:I want to buy a bike, but I don’t have money.
10.M: I’m not good at English. What should I do, Tina?
W: You should get a tutor, Mike.
W: Bill! Look ,Tim has the same haircut as you do.
M: Really? Who is Tim?
W: He is my friend.
W: I’m going to Australia next month, but I’m a little worried.
M: Why are you worried?
W: Because I don’t know about the culture there.
M: Don’t worry. You could read some books about the country.
W: That’s a good idea. Thank you!

资料名称: 2016-2017学年度八年级下英语Unit2单元检测题含答案
文件大小: 194K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级下Unit2
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 2018年春新目标八年级下Unit2 Section B(2a-2e)课件+听力 18-03-03

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