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人教版新目标八年级英语下册Unit4 Why't you talk to your parents单元同步练习及答案(含单元核心词汇汇总)
1. I think your answer is ______________(错误的).
2. Our teachers often ask us to ______________(主动提出)to help the poor.
3. ______________(无论什么)he does, I will follow him.
4. My ______________(年长的)brother is 18 years old.
5. Don’t forget to ______________(归还)my dictionary.
6. I often feel ______________(紧张的)before big exams.
7. Our school doesn’t ______________(允许)me to swim alone.
8. Ann ______________(争吵)with her sister last night.
9. You shouldn’t ______________(抄写)others’ homework.
10. Please ______________(解释)the words in Chinese.
11. The accident ______________(引起)many problems.
12. My parents give me too much ______________(压力).
13. We have different ______________(观点)about it.
14. The Browns are ______________(典型的)English family.
15. I have to ______________(与….比赛)with my classmates in the school.

资料名称: 人教版新目标八年级英语下册Unit4单元同步练习及答案
文件大小: 40K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级下Unit4
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