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人教版新目标八年级英语下册Unit3 Could you please your room单元同步练习及答案(含单元核心词汇汇总)
1. It’s the parents’ job to __________ (提供) a clean environment at home for their children.
2. Doing chores helps ___________ (培养) children’s independence.
3. He lives next to me. He is my ___________(邻居).
4. My computer is broken. Could I ___________ (借) yours?
5. My friend ___________ (邀请) me to go to his parents’ house.
6. Please take out the ___________(垃圾).
7. Can you ___________(折叠)the clothes for his mother?
8. Let's ___________(打扫)the floor. It's too dirty.
9. I hate to do the ___________(洗碗)after supper.
10. Cooking is boring. I ___________(讨厌)to do it.
11. Everyone should develop the ability of ___________(独立).
12. ---I don't like the mutton.    ----___________ (也不) does Bob.
13. Ann was watching TV ________ (而) I was cooking.
14. Don't ________(扔)the ball at me.
15. Ann ________ (借出) me her bike yesterday. I will give it back tomorrow.

资料名称: 人教版新目标八年级英语下册Unit3单元同步练习及答案
文件大小: 41K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级下Unit3
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