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牛津7B Unit3 Grammar(语法归纳)同步练习含答案
上传者:   加入日期:17-03-08

牛津译林版英语7B Unit3 Grammar(语法归纳) 同步练习含答案
1. If you ’re sick, please go to the _____________(诊所).
2. March 8 is __________ Day.
3. Can you tell me those __________(girl) names?
4. Our school is only five ________ (minutes) walk from here.
5. Mr Black is a friend of my ____________(father).
6. The two beds are __________ (Lucy and Lily).
7. Mrs Green is __________(Lucy and Lily) mother.
8. Is this key ring Tom’s ? (用Jack改为选择问句)

资料名称: 牛津7B Unit3 Grammar(语法归纳)同步练习含答案
文件大小: 32K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7BUnit3
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