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牛津深圳版七年级下Unit6 Electricity测试题含答案
上传者:   加入日期:17-02-14

牛津深圳版七年级下Unit6 Electricity测试题含答案
1. It’s _____________ of you to buy such a dress. It looks so ugly (fool )
2. The remote control doesn’t work now. I think we need to change the two _____ in it  (battery )
3.Your room is dirty and _____________. I think you know what you need to do now ( tidy )
4. Electricity is very helpful, but we must remember the _____(safe) rules.
5.The TV set couldn't work without_____(electrical).
6.The film was so _____(fun)that people in the cinema laughed all the time.
7.The desk is_____ (make)of wood.
8.Remember_____(take)the keys when you go out.
9.His dream is to be a _____(cooker)when he grows up. He likes eating.
10.He____(reply) to my letter last night. I am writing back to him.

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版本年级: 牛津深圳版七年级下Unit6
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