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牛津深圳版八年级下英语Unit8 Life in the future教案
上传者:   加入日期:17-02-11

牛津深圳版八年级下英语Unit8 Life in the future教案
课题:Unit 8 --- Life in the future
课时:第  1  课时,共  4 课时
1. Let students know the related information about the Internet posts about life in the future.
2. Students can know how to use related expressions to describe life in the future.
3. Develop the reading ability by designing a post to describe the life in the future.
4. The students can use the expressions and the useful sentence structures freely.
1.How to make the ss get interested in the content of the text.
2.Let students know how to use the words and expressions to talk about daily life in the future.
3.The students can use the expressions and the useful sentence structures freely.
教学难点:1. To master some usages of some useful expressions and develop an ability of how to get a further understanding of the text.
2. Know how to use the important phrases and expressions to make a sentence.教学准备:PPT, Blackboard教学步骤:
I. Pre-reading Presentation
1. Freely talk: what do you know about….?
Show some questions to them to discuss: what will life be like in the future? 
Hotel: houses: cars: communication…….
2. Culture corner: At the 2010 Shanghai Expo, countries around the world displayed their dreams
of future cities. Learn some information about what life will be like in the future.
3. Work in groups, Talk about the sentences about the future and the present. And discuss the following questions about what life will be like in the future?
4. Tell them they are going to read an article about Life in the future. Introduce some new words before their reading. The teacher helps the students when they have trouble in reading the new words and ask group work to remember the new words
II. While-reading Procedure
1)Fast reading: Ss try to read the first sentence of each paragraph in the article on page 51 and have Ss try to tick (√) the descriptions that match the pictures.
2) Detail reading: Read the article and find out the correct answers to Exercise C1.
3) Read the article and write the correct answers to complete the sentences to Exercise C2.
4) Learn the useful expressions in the passage:
5) Read the article again and finish Exercise D1and D2.
III. Post-task Activity
More practice: Be more familiar with the whole passage and try to retell the story by using the new words and phrases.
IV. Homework

资料名称: 牛津深圳版八年级下英语Unit8 Life in the future教案
文件大小: 51K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津深圳版八年级下Unit8
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