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牛津深圳七年级下Unit2 Travelling around the world教案
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牛津深圳版七年级下英语Unit2 Travelling around the world教案
课题: Unit 2  Travelling around the world (阅读课)
课时: 第  1  课时,共  4 课时
1. Students can get the main idea of the text.
2. Students can talk something about France.
3. Students’ interest about France can be developed.
4. Students can master the language points of the text.
(…with…   such as … be famous for …
5. Students can talk about France freely using the right sentence structure.
6. Students can tell more information about France.
教学重点: 1.Get the main idea of the text.
        2. Master the language points of the text.
教学难点: 1.Retell the main information of France.
         2. How to use them to talk about France.
教学准备: PPT, Blackboard
Step 1.Warming up .
Ask students to talk about France.
1.Show some famous pictures of France for them to talk. Such as the Eiffel Tower ; the Louvre Museum ; the Champs-Elysees ; the French Alps
2.Now let’s travel to France.Before we travel to France ,please finish Part A first.
3.Check their answers.
Step 2 Reading
Before reading
1.Ask student to look at the photos and the title of the article on Page17. Then answer the questions in 16 of Part B.
2.Check their answer.
3.Show the structure of the article for them.
While reading
1.Read Paragraph 1 and 2 to fill in the form. Check their answers.
2. Read Paragraph 3 and 4 to answer some questions.Then check their answers.
Finish D2 after read the article.Then check their answers.
Step 3 Retelling
Retell the text, according to the key words(group work) .
1. Practice retelling the text one by one in groups.
2. Help them to review the key sentences or words and encourage them to retell the text.
Step4 Reading comprehension.
Read the passage and finish C1;C2;D2;D3
(check the answers in groups)
Step 5 Language points. Self- study.
①Read the text to find the important sentences .
②Learn the learning sheet to finish the related exercise .
③Group work to share the learning result and help to solve the different points.
④show the learning result by groups.
Step 6 Using the language points.(games :lucky member)
Step 7 Discussion
Solve the problems given by the teacher to earn marks for their group.
Step8 Sum up
Summarize the language points and group work result
Step9 Homework
Step 10 The blackboard design
   be famous for 以…闻名
   by the sea 在海边
   prefer to  更喜欢
   why not +动词原形=why don’t you +动词原形? 为何不做某事?

资料名称: 牛津深圳七年级下Unit2 Travelling around the world教案
文件大小: 57K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津深圳版七年级下Unit2
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