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新目标七年级下Unit10 Section A 2a-2c课件+教案+练习
上传者:   加入日期:17-02-01

人教新目标七年级英语下Unit10  I’d like some noodles.Section A 2a-2c课件+教案+练习
 Lead in
“Look at the title. What topic are we going to talk about? (food) What kind of food do you know?” Let students write down food names. Then show their opinions.
Fruit:______________Vegetables:_______________Meat:_________Staple food(主食):_________
1. Show pictures of vegetables, meat and staple food, and learn new words . Read aloud. 
2.“What food can you see in the picture in 2a?”  Listen and check the names of the foods. Finish 2a.
3. “What kinds of noodles do you know?” Show pictures of noodles with meat and vegetables. Teach students to learn the names. eg. Beef and tomato noodles, chicken and cabbage noodles.

资料名称: 新目标七年级下Unit10 Section A 2a-2c课件+教案+练习
文件大小: 4510K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 新目标七年级下Unit10
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