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人教版新目标八年级上Unit2 How often do you exercise单元测试卷含听力与答案
56.Mike hardly e_________ watches TV on school nights.
57.My brother’s favorite TV p________ is cartoons.
58.Eating too much meat isn’t good for our h__________.
59.My grandma often goes to the d__________ for teeth cleaning.
60.Little Betty is only two years old, h__________, she can sing a lot of songs.
61.Too much __________(housework) made my mother feel bored.
62.Mary goes to visit her grandparents __________(two)a month.
63.Mr. Green works for at __________(little)ten hours every day.
64.This week is quite __________(fill)for Sam.
65.John likes reading _________(magazine)very much.

资料名称: 人教版新目标八年级上Unit2单元测试卷含听力mp3与答案
文件大小: 18640K
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版本年级: 新目标八年级上Unit2
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