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第一节 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。
1. Tom had a stomachache last night.
2. We should often help to wash clothes.
3. I like playing the piano.
4. He was watching TV at this time yesterday.
5. I am interested in reciting poems.
W:  Tom,  what's  your  favorite  hobby?
M:  I  used  to  like  listening  to  music,  but  now  I  prefer  reading  books.
M:  Can  you  play  the  piano?
W:  Yes.  I  can  play  the  piano  well.
M:  Amy,  would  you  like  to  go  to  a  concert  with  me?
W:  I'd  love  to,  but  I  have  to  look  after  my  sister.
W:  Tom,  what  do  you  often  do  in  your  free  time?
M:  I  usually  listen  to  music.
W:  What  kind  of  music  do  you  like?
M:  I  like  folk  music.
W: Hello, John! You are early at school. What were you doing at eight yesterday evening?
M:  I  was  doing  my  homework.
W:  How  long  did  you  spend  finishing  it?
M:  More  than  two  hours.
M: Who’s your favorite singer?
W: I like Sun Yanzi best.
M: When was she born?
W: In 1978. And she learned to play the piano as a child.
M: Can she sing English songs well?
W: Of course. The Beatles is her favorite.

资料名称: 南安市XX中学2016年八年级上第二次月考英语试题含答案
文件大小: 1634K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级上月考试卷
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