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2016-2017年牛津译林版9A Unit8英语单元测试卷含答案
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2016-2017年牛津译林版9A Unit8英语单元测试卷含答案
六、词汇 (本题共10小题;每小题1分,满分10)
A. 根据句意和中文提示填写单词,使句子通顺。
61. Why is he _________ (穿衣) like that today? 
62. Work in pairs and discuss who you think is most _______ (可能) to be the murderer.
63. It rained so _______ (大) last night that the lake is full of water now.
64. There are easier ways to encourage the even spread of _______ (财富).
65. It is well-known that no ________ (指纹) are the same in the world.
66. I must tell him the _______ (true) about this business because he will leave here in a      minute.    
67. Our teachers and parents often warn us to pay attention to ________ (safe).
68. He wrote dozens of books, but this is ________ (probable) his best-known novel.
69. I feel really ________ (guilt) at her birthday again. 
70. He was sent into prison for ________ (steal).
71. I saw Li Ming _______ (play) near the river on my way home yesterday.
72. I will do everything that I can _______ (help) the poor children.
73.  Agatha Christie was a female writer who _______ (consider) the queen of crime novels.
74.  The gate ________ (guard) by soldiers, and you can’t go without a pass.
75. You had better _________ (not go) out alone at night. It can be dangerous.
76.  The doctor has warned him not to move, or his cut _________ (blood). 

资料名称: 2016-2017年牛津译林版9A Unit8英语单元测试卷含答案
文件大小: 484K
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版本年级: 牛津9AUnit8
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