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五、词汇运用 (本大题共8分,每小题1)
(A) 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。
56.   This year’s Spring Festival is on the _________ (十九) of February.
57.   I got a big surprise at Christmas and it was really hard to __________(描述)my joy in words.
58.   Mike, if you eat too many sweets, you may get a __________ (牙疼).
59.   Don’t worry about your son. His temperature __________ (下降) back to37℃ just now.
 (B) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
60.   It is clear that most of the ___________ (tourist) bags are full of souvenirs.
61.   After a night’s work without sleep, he looked very ___________ ( sleep).
62.   More and more people have realized the ___________ (important) of wetlands.
63.   The old man looked __________ (sad) at his grandson with tears in his eyes.
六、动词填空  用所给动词的适当形式填空 (本大题共8分,每小题1)
64. Han Hong tried her best __________ (help) the girl in need in Chinese Dream.   
65.   I’m sorry to hear that she __________ ( fall) off her bike carelessly yesterday.
66.   Would you please           (make) any noise? The child is sleeping now.
67.   Jim kept ___________ (cough) last night and we had to take him to the hospital this morning.
68.   Since I haven’t finished reading this book, I _________ (return) it to the library in a few days.
69.   Suzy and Kitty were building a snowman while Peter ________ (hide) behind a tree at this time yesterday.
70.   We will go fishing if it ___________ (not rain) tomorrow.
71.   —I can’t believe you’ve sent me such a terrible camera. I want my money back…
—I __________ (listen), sir. Can you just slow down and tell me what’s wrong?
七、完成句子 根据所给汉语,用英文完成下列句子(本大题共9分,每小题1.5分) 
72. 地震开始时,一阵恐惧感掠过我的心头。
                                               the earthquake began.
73.   政府已经制定法律来阻止人们砍伐树木。
The government has made laws ______________________________________.
74. 不管怎样,能看到小镇这些令人惊叹的变化, 还是不错的。
Anyway, ________________________________________________in the town.
75. 因为突如其来的大雪,许多人不得不尽可能小心地开车。
   Many people had to ______________________________ the sudden heavy snow.
76. 为什么汽车出故障的时候你一点也不紧张?
   Why weren’t you _______________when the car________________________?
77. 在本周余下的时间, 阳光和蓝天将代替雨水伴随我们。
   Sunshine and blue sky will ______________________________ the rest of the week.
1. 因为雾霾天气,学生的户外活动比以前少了;
2. 人们不得不戴面罩(mask)出行, 道路上也发生了更多交通事故;
3. 空气污染问题严重,不利于健康;
4. 每个人都应该采取措施来保护环境。例如……
1. 短文须包括所有要点,不必逐句翻译,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;
2. 第4个要点的内容须适当发挥;
3. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。

资料名称: 石牌中学2016-2017年八年级上期末模拟英语试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 8922K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津8A期末复习
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