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2016年牛津译林版英语7A Unit8 Fashion单元测试卷含答案
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2016年牛津译林版英语7A Unit8 Fashion单元测试卷含答案
1.I like the_______(紫色)tie very much.
2.The song is_______(流行的)in our school.
3.The man looks_______(衣着讲究的).He will teach us English.
4.  The woman is sitting_______ (在……中)the boys and girls.
5.The paper feels_______(光滑的).
6.She's wearing a _______(深色的)blue skirt.
7.There are many kinds of_______(夹克衫)in the shop.
8. -You still don't clean your bedroom now. You are so_______.
  -Sorry, Mum. But I'm very busy with my tests these days.
9.-Could you_______ me your camera? I'd like to travel to Hong Kong.
  -Sorry. But you can borrow one from Amy.
10. -Mum, how do I look with this________?
   -I think it is too red around your neck(脖子).How about this blue one?
1. The pair of leather_______ (boot)is very expensive.
2.-Are these shirts the_______ (gentleman)? -Yes, they are theirs.
3. We are_______ (interest) in the book.
4. The trainers made of leather are very_______ (comfort).
5.-Do you like the_______ (glove)? -Yes, I like them very much.
6.I have_______ (little) than ten CDs at home.
7. Which photo do you like_______ (well)?
8. We must clean our_______ (tooth) every day.
9. The_______ (lady) look beautiful in red.
10. How_______ (love) the baby is!

资料名称: 2016年牛津译林版英语7A Unit8 Fashion单元测试卷含答案
文件大小: 38K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7AUnit8
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