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第一节:听小对话,请从题中 所给的ABC三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。
1. W: Hi, Jeff, what a sunny day!
M: Yes, let’s go for a walk.
2. W: Tom, what do you usually do on weekends?
  M: I usually go swimming with my friends.
3. M: Who did you think is the best act in the talent show?
W: I thought Ben was the best because he can sing with a dog.
4. M: Hi, Lisa. How was your vacation?
W: It was great. I had a great time with my family in New York.
5. M: Do you want to watch the movie Ice Age Two with me, Alice?
W: That s ounds great. Cartoons are my favorite.
  W: Hello, Mr. Fat. May I ask you some questions?
  M: Sure.
  W: How often do you e at vegetables?
  M: Never. I don’t like them at all.
  W: All right. How long do you sleep every night?
  M: Ten hours. I need lots of sleep.
  W: How often do you eat junk food?
  M: Oh, I love jun k food—I e at it three or four times a week.
  W: Well, thanks for your answers.
  W: Tim, did you enjoy your last weekend?
  M: Oh, no, it was too bad.
  W: Really? How come? You said you wanted to go to the famous mountain.
  M: Sure, but do you know the weath er was a little rainy an d the road was so crowded.
  W: That’s bad.
  M: But the most terrible thing was that when we reached the top of the mountain, it was at night.
  W: Why?
  M: Because of too many people.

资料名称: 台州市玉环县2016-2017年八年级上期中英语试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 8898K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 新目标八年级上半期试题
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