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江苏省海安县紫石中学2016-2017年度七年级上英语第二次月考试卷含听力mp3 (5份)
第一部分 听对话,回答问题。
1. W: Do you like playing basketball, Andy?
M: No, playing football is my favourite.
2. M: My mother washes up after supper.
W: Oh, my mother drinks tea after supper.
3. M: Oh, What a big cake! That’s my favourite.
W: Well, I like the ice cream best of all.
4. W: When do you usually have a class meeting?
M: Every Wednesday. But this week we will have it on Tuesday, April 21st.
5. M: Can I have your telephone number?
   W: Sure. It’s 65443589.
6. W: Is Mary at home now?
   M: No, she is looking after her father in the hospital.
7. M: Are these books yours, Kitty?
   W: Let me see, Bruce. Oh, they are not mine. They are Mike’s.
8. M: When is your birthday, Amy?
   W: Tomorrow. December 22.
9. M: How much are these?
   W: The cap is 50 yuan and the coat is 150 yuan.
10. M: Do you have a good time at school, Lily?
   W: The lessons are so interesting. The teachers and classmates are very kind. I can do all kinds of activities after school.

资料名称: 紫石中学2016-2017年七年级上英语第二次月考试卷含听力mp3
文件大小: 5894K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津7A月考试卷
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