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上传者:   加入日期:16-11-23

听 力 材 料
1. I have a wide mouth.
2. The new car is Lily’s.
3. Jack’s T-shirt is very nice.
4. Excuse me, whose banana is this?
5. Kangkang comes from China.
6. How old is the girl?
7. What does your sister look like, Mike?
8. Is Jack tall?
9. Whose shoes are those?
10. Liu Mei, please give the pen to me.
11. W: Excuse me, Mike. Is this your cap?
M: No, it isn’t. It’s Bill’s.
12. M: Do the boys come from Canada?
W: No, they are from England.
13. W: You are nice in the red shirt.
M: Thank you, Mom.
14. M: What does Wang Fei look like?
W: She is tall and has small eyes.
15. M: Do you have a telephone?
W: Yes, I do. My telephone number is 87765055.
Jane is a girl. She is 13 years old. She is from Canada. She is not tall and not short. She has a long face. She has big blue eyes and a small nose. Her mouth is wide, but her ears are small. Her hair is long and blond.

资料名称: 泉州市2016年秋仁爱版七年级上期中质量英语试卷含答案
文件大小: 1270K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 仁爱版七年级上半期试题
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