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外研版英语八年级上Module4 Unit3同步检测题含答案
上传者:   加入日期:16-11-23

外研版八年级上Module4 ships and trains  Unit3 Language in use 同步检测题 学生版无答案+教师版含答案
III.  完成句子。
1.    我最不想上的课是历史,还经常挂科。
The last subjectI want to take is History and I oftenfail the exams.
2.    因为我,我们输掉了最重要的比赛,我太失败了。
We lost the most important game because of me — I am a stinking loser.
3.    穿过这个有喷泉的公园,你就会找到那家书店。
Go through this park with fountains, and you’ll find the bookstore.
4.    对我来说,英语远比数学简单。
For me, English is much easier than Maths.
5.    男生有不同方式娱乐自己,比如谁打嗝最响,谁睡觉最晚或是吃的最多。
Boys have different ways to play with each other, like who can burp the loudest, who can go to the bed the latest or who can eat the most.
6.    在这次车祸中,他断了三根肋骨,必须在医院里呆一个月,当然他的自行车也解体了。千万别骑得太快,疼!
In thiscar accident, he broke three ribs and had to stay in hospital for a month and of course his bike is in pieces. Don’t ride too fast. It hurts.

资料名称: 外研版英语八年级上Module4 Unit3同步检测题含答案
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版本年级: 外研版八年级上Module4
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