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41. Will you please not mind my         (录制)your lecture here?
42. If you enjoy solving mysteries,you might like this film. However, if you get         (恐惧)easily, do not watch it!
43. This year's Beijing Music Awards will be covered         (现场直播)this Saturday.
44. Can you find out how many people there are in the          (对话)?
45. Although Amy was born in a         (富有的) family, she never felt happy.
46. A great many         (direct)will take part in this meaningful activity tonight.
47. As teenagers,you should speak to your teachers and parents even         (polite).
48. This big outdoor event actually depends on the weather of the         (come) weekend.
49. My grandpa likes reading. He often buys          (week) newspapers to read.
50. There are many         (mystery) in the film, but I like it very much.
51. There are some girls         (dance) in the next room now.
52. Was she heard         (quarrel) with others at 8 o'clock yesterday morning?
53. Hurry up! We must get the work         (do) before 7 o'clock in the afternoon.
54. When we were young,our teacher told us the earth         (travel) around the sun.
55. The great book the famous writer devoted himself to         (publish) last month.

资料名称: 2016-2017学年牛津译林版九年级上Unit6提优检测卷含答案
文件大小: 332K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9AUnit6
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