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牛津译林版英语九年级上Unit8 Integrated skills教学设计
上传者:   加入日期:16-11-09

牛津译林版英语九年级上Unit8 Integrated skills教学设计
Step 2 Reading
A1 A child has been kidnapped. A police officer has made some notes. Read his notes and help his assistant complete part of the suspects’ profiles.
Read A1 and answer the questions.
Who is the victim?
How old is the victim?
When did the crime happen?
Who are suspects?
Step 3 Listening
A2 Listen to the police officer’s interviews with the two suspects. Then help his assistant complete their profiles in Part A1.
Step 4 Work in groups
Who do you think kidnapped Guan Fei?
Why do you think he/she kidapped Guan Fei?
How much money do you think he/she wants?
Why does he/she need the money?
Do you think Guan Fei is scared?
•   I think … kidnapped Guan Fei.
•   I think … kidnapped Guan Fei because …
•   I think … wants ...yuan.
•   He / She needs the money because ...
•   Yes, I think he is scared./ No, I don’t think he is scared.
Step 5 Speak up
Kidnapping sometimes happens. How can we avoid it? How can we keep ourselves safe? Do you know some safety tips?
Step 6 Listening
Mr Wu is asking the Class 1, Grade 9 students to think of some safety tips against crime. Work in groups. Use the conversation below as a model.
Listen to Part B and answer the questions.
1. What does Daniel think of safety tips to protect ourselves against crime?
2. What about Millie?
3. What about Simon?
4. What about Peter?
5. What about Sandy?

资料名称: 牛津译林版英语九年级上Unit8 Integrated skills教学设计
文件大小: 66K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9AUnit8
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