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2016-2017学年人教新目标版英语九年级Unit10 You're supposed to shake hands.单元练习含答案
36. Please listen to some light music, and it can make you feel r                .
37. It's polite of you to g                 others by saying hello.
38. The dictionary that my father bought for me many years ago is still of great v                .
39. It's good m                 to say 'hello' when you meet each other.
40. She wanted to e                 the blouse, because it didn't fit.
41. As a gentleman, you should learn how to b                 at the dinner table.
42. Can you give me some s                 about my plan?
43. Chinese, maths and English are three b                 subjects for Chinese students.
44. Everyone e                 Jim knows Mr. Brown. Jim is a new comer.
45. In 1938, Bethune went to n                 China, as he knew many people were dying in the war.
46. Our school does an                 (交流) with a school in America.
47. I like soft music. It always makes me                 (轻松的).
48. Why didn't you                 (敲) at the door before you came in?
49. You must take your                 (护照) when you go abroad.
50. China is an old                 (东方的) country in Asia.
51. Different countries have different                 (风俗).
52. None of the books are of great                 (价值) to us teenagers.
53. In order to make a good impression, you should learn to                 (表现) in an interview first.
54. I hope you can give me as many                 (建议) as possible, Tony. I really need your help.
55. You should make your dream come true through your own                 (努力).
56. 我们应该在一份报告中来描述我们自己。
We                                                    describe ourselves in a report.
57. 我认为学一门外语很必要。(词数不限)
I think                  learn a foreign language.
58. 我会作出努力擦干净所有的窗户。
I will                                                                                      all the windows.
59. 不要对汤姆发怒,他只是个孩子。
                                  mad                  Tom. He is only a child.
60. 我的爷爷习惯早起。
My grandpa's                                   getting up early.

资料名称: 2016-2017学年人教版英语九年级Unit10单元练习含答案
文件大小: 57K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 新目标九年级下Unit10
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